Art creation event/Akresi

Hi everybody!

Today, Friday, July 21, 2023, we are one student at SMKN 4 Semarang. There is an art creation/accretion event which is seen by all students at SMKN 4 Semarang.  This accretion is intended for class 10/new students who have entered SMKN 4 Semarang.  They were shown some of the best performances by grade 11 and grade 12 students where the best performances came from extracurriculars at SMKN 4 Semarang.  Here are some extracurriculars that I will mention to you according to my knowledge.  The extracurriculars are;  Scouts, paskibra, dancing, music bands, youth red cross, ball sports, self-defense, and maybe there are still some that are known but I forgot about that.  But this time I will focus on the discussion on paskibra extracurriculars.  The first time I saw the performance given by paskibra, I was very impressed with their appearance.  In terms of neatness, in terms of appearance, in terms of the cohesiveness they give to the audience, it makes us feel impressed by them.  No wonder they were able to get awards and several trophies for the SMKN 4 Semarang squad.  I think the services they provide to the school are very meaningful and able to make the name of the school proud.  My impression of paskibra is that they are very proud of their achievements and hopefully they can remain consistent to win other awards.  That's all for today's discussion, I hope you enjoy what I have written for you.

Thank you for the time you have given to read my blog


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