Learning about surveys


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About survey

1.   Definition of survey 

Surveys are the primary data collection method by giving questions to individual respondents.

2.  Function of survey


      A.  To get the facts out of the symptoms.

      B.  Factual search of one group, another                region and another

      C.  Conduct evaluations and comparisons             of what others have done in handling               similar matters.

      D.  Conducted against a number of                          individuals, both census and samples.

      E. The result is for making plans and                    decision making.

3. Sample of survey

Source : 


Examples of this survey explain whether employee performance in the company has been implemented in accordance with the regulations.

4. Expressions and sentences used in surveys

      a. Population Census. This survey was                  conducted by the Central Bureau of                  Statistics.

      b. Community Satisfaction Survey. This                 survey is also called IKM (Community             Satisfaction Index), which is held by                 institutions or organizations such as                 courts, health centers, civil                                 registration and others.

      c. Public Opinion Survey. It is an activity              to find out people's opinion on issues                related to public problems, and this                  effort is carried out through a study.

5. Types of surveys

    A. According to Wikipedia, survey types              are divided into 7, namely:

         • Private Surveys, survey conducted                   privately and not published.

         • Omnibus Survey, several short                            surveys are combined into a                              questionnaire and generally carried                out on a regular basis.

         • Advocacy Survey, surveys to fight for               an issue.

         • In-House Poll, self-administered poll.

         • In-Home Poll, interviews were                           conducted at the respondent's house.

         • Quick Count, information gathering                  activities regarding the election                        process and vote acquisition carried                out by volunteers through direct                        observation at selected TPS.

         • Exit Poll, surveys conducted                                immediately after voters leave the                    polling place (TPS).

    B. According to Widodo, (2008: 43) survey           research methods are divided into two           types, namely:

         • Cross Sectional Survey, used to find                  out temporary issues with only one                  data collection.

• Longitudinal Survey, used to understand issues that are prolonged, but the population is smaller with periodic data collection.

    C. Meanwhile, according to Irawan                       Soehartono (2000:54) the types of                     surveys, namely:

• Survey Samples. Survey conducted on as a population (sample)

• Census. The survey was conducted on all members of the population.

• Public Opinion Poll. Surveys that ask respondents questions about a topic of public opinion.

• Cross-sectional Survey. Surveys that compare two groups of people or more to see the differences in these groups.

• Longitudinal Survey. Surveys that will look at changes or developments that have occurred over time.

6. Doing survey


 Here is an example of a survey I made today

And below is the conclusion of my survey.

A. Background

     The reason I'm behind this survey of               worship is because I don't know how               many people are doing prayers, reading         the Koran, performing other sunnah               prayers, and doing du' as.  

B. Purpose

     to know how many percent of people               who have dalam all the worship

C. Result

     Here are the results I've obtained after           the church survey;


The survey explained that there are 70% of the 30 people who perform 5 time prayers and 23.3% for those who do not carry out 5 time prayers and 6.7% for those who do.


The survey determined that there were 53.6% of the 28 who performed prayers on time and 46.4 percent who rarely performed.


The survey determined that there were 69.2% of the 26 people who were measured for today and 30.8% for the unthankful.


The survey determined that there were 59.3% of the 27 people who prayed after prayer and 40.7% who did not pray after prayer.


This survey determines that there are 76% of 25 people who have done Tahajud and 24% prayers who have never done the Tahajud prayer.


This survey determines that 60% of 25 people often perform Tahajud prayers and 40% rarely do.


This survey determines that 76% of 25 people are always reading the Qur'an after prayer and 24% rarely read it.

- Results in narative

The result of my survey report is that data displays about the many people who do the worship is the percentage of people who have followed my survey; 70% of 30 people are always praying 5 time, 46% of 28 people are always on time in praying, 69% of 26 people have been grateful today, 59%. Of the 27 people always dodge after prayer, 76% of 25 people have done Tahajud prayer, 60% of 25 people rarely perform Tahajud prayer, 76% of 25 people always teach the Qur'an after the Machhi prayer.

Here is the material we learned today about the survey, thanks to your time that takes time to read it, greetings to happiness



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