Understanding tables


Hai teman teman semua hari ini kita belajar hal baru yuk simak apa saja yang kami pelajari, let's go!

1.Definition of tables

Tables are the data arrangement in the rows and columns, or may be in a more complex structure. Memories are widely used in communication, research, and data analysis.

2.     2. Function of tables

-        Ease us to read the data

-        It makes it easier to know the changes (up or down) that occur in a problem

-        Clarifying understanding of the reading in the table

3.     3. Sample of table

Source : https://lmsspada.kemdikbud.go.id/pluginfile.php/538615/mod_imscp/content/1/11_penyajian_data_dalam_bentuk_tabeldaftar.html

From this table, the information are the job part, level education, and person’s data.

1.     4. Table family expense/week

The table tell us about some expenseve over our needs each week.

1.     5. A plan to design a – 300M – house

Sekian materi yang telah kita pelajari pada hari ini semoga kalian dapat menerapkanya
Thanks everyone, i hope you will be succesfull. Bye bye🌟


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